Eric Burdon van The Animals schreef er in de jaren '60 een geestig liedje over. Zijn bandje had een nummer van de zwarte veteraan Bo Diddley - vierkante gitaar - op het repertoire staan. Het nummer dat Bo's eigen naam draagt: Bo Diddley. Op een avond speelde hij het en Diddley himself - op toernee In Engeland - bleek achterin de zaal te staan, met z'n bassiste The Duchess en zijn maracaspeler Jerome.
Over hun reactie maakte Burdon toen een liedje. Het slot gaat zo:
Now we've doing this number, Bo Diddley, for quite some time now Bo Diddley visited this country last year
We were playing at the Club A Gogo in Newcastle, our home town
The doors opened one night and to our surprise walked in the man himself, Bo Diddley
Along with him was Jerome Green, his maraca man, and the Duchess, his gorgeous sister
And a we were doing this number
Along with them came the Rolling Stones, the Mersey Beats,
They're all standing around diggin' it
And I overheard Bo Diddley talkin'
He turned around to Jerome Green
And he said, Hey, Jerome? What do you think these guys doin' our.. our material?
Jerome said, Uh, where's the bar, man? Please show me to the bar...
He turned around the Duchess
And he said, Hey Duchess... what do you think of these young guys doin' our material?
She said, I don't know. I only came across here to see the changin' of the guards and all that jazz.
Well, Bo Diddley looked up and said to me, with half closed eyes and a smile,
He said Man, took off his glasses,
He said, Man, that sure is the biggest load of rubbish I ever heard in my life...
Hey Bo Diddley
Oh Bo Diddley
Yeah Bo Diddley
Die blanke jongens! Ze weten wel hoe het moet maar ze kunnen het niet. Goed dat Radio 6 ook dit jaar weer z'n 'Zwarte lijst' uitzendt.
Morgen in de Avonden meer.