Kapitein Albert stuurde me kopieën van de 'stamboeken' van de HAL, waarin heel zijn varend leven (1904-1931) is geboekstaafd. Een paar fragmenten: Sjerp; David, born: Schiedam, 1 Aug. 1888. Joined the Holland America Line as Cadet on 31 July 1903. Steeds datum, jaar, rang, schip en gage:
26 May 1904 Cadet Potsdam 15,‑‑
08 aug. 1904 Dismissed due to a boyish prank. (Kicked in the door to the doctors office when he could not find the key fast enough). Returned to the company after having served with the Java - China - Japan Line.
Obtained 3nd mates certificate in Dec. 1904
Obtained 2nd mate's certificate in Apr. 1909
26 apr. 1909 2nd Officer Zijldijk 60,‑‑
09 Mar. 1915 Chief Officer Veendijk 150,‑‑
16 Mar. 1915 Temporary ashore due to trip to England
30 Mar. 1915 Chief Officer Rijndam 150,‑‑
27 Aug. 1915 Temporary dismissed.
01 Sep. 1915 Chief Officer Maasdijk 150,‑
28 Apr. 1916 Wages increased to 170,‑
11 Sep. 1916 Wages increased to 180,‑‑
19 Jul. 1917 Wages increased to 190.--
18 Sep. 1918 Chief Officer Schiedijk 190,‑‑
01 Mar. 1918 Chief Officer Schiedijk 200,‑‑
05 May. 1919 book on Rotterdam account, came home as passenger on Noordam.
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