Karin Hasselberg

Karin Hasselberg

 Karin Hasselberg (1980, Helsingborg, Zweden) studeerde afgelopen zomer af aan de Rietveld Academie. Op de eindexamenexpositie zag ik haar films over het graven van gaten. Een gevoelige materie. Gaten graven kan op veel manieren. En met veel bedoelingen. Soms draagt Karin bij het graven een pruik en lakschoenen met hakken (waar modder aan komt). Heel haar site kan bekeken worden als één verhaal. Het begon vier jaar geleden. Maar hoe? Waarom? Nu is ze terug uit Zweden en kon ik het haar vragen.

 How did it start?' I was living in the Bijlmer, in the South-East of Amsterdam, in one of those suburban concrete houses. It was februari, it was extremely depressive, gray. And they had some kind of workshop at the Rietveld and I felt I didn't fit in into the idea of the workshop and I was sitting at home in my appartment. And all around me they were tearing down buildings and building new ones and there was a whole lot of digging and working and construction going on. I felt bored and tired and I had to do something. Something physical. Exhaust myself. And change something. Just to do something physical. Change the environment and myself with my own hands. In a shop called the Gamma I bought a shovel. And then I came back and dug the first hole. And I asked a friend of mine to record it, the action.'

 An important decision. To record it? 'Yes. I felt I should... I did'nt really have something like a a masterplan or a concept. I had to do this and I should record this.' So all of a sudden it became important? 'Yes like underlined. Registered.' How to pick a spot. Where?'I was living on the first floor and it was just down there, under the balcony.' Later meer