Praten over ongerichte angst is uitzonderlijk moeilijk omdat alleen wie er ervaring mee heeft je kan volgen. Of, je moet een groot verteltalent bezitten. Maarten Biesheuvel noemde zichzelf niet voor niets eens 'de ambassadeur van de angst'. Ook Dan Geesin, de Engelse, maar in Amsterdam wonende animatiefilmer, liedjesmaker en tekenaar is zo'n ambassadeur. Hij maakt liedjes en teksten over z'n 'panic attacks'. Met hem was ik te gast bij Aad van Nieuwkerk in Cantina, ook Radio 6. We lieten nummers horen van z'n lang verwachte CD Fat Head en spraken over zijn teksten. Bijvoorbeeld die hij schreef na de angstaanval die hij kreeg bij Ikea. Leven, hoe doe je dat eigenlijk?
SMILE EVERY MILEIt's all to do with what goes on in your mind,It's all to do with the locations you find,It's all to do with how you talk to your mum,It's all to do with how you like to have fun.It's all to do with getting through life,It's all to do with finding your self a wife,It's all to do with learning how to fish,It's all to do with making another wish.It's all to do with how you sit in a chair,It's all to do with what you do with your hair,It's all to do with making friends,It's all to do with going round a bend.It's all to do with cardboard and glue,It's all to do with what I said to you,It's all to do with directions you take,It's all to do with making another mistake.It's all to do with the next thing,It's all to do with pulling out your sting,It's all to do with using a bat,Learn to play cricket and deal with that.It's all to do with getting through life,It's all to do with trouble and strife,It's all to do with the smile on my face,Takes me a mile and keeps me in pace.