
Wat gebeurde er in Kopenhagen? Rellen begonnen nadat de lokale ME een kraakpand, het 'Ungdomshuset' ontruimden, het huis had al meer dan 20 jaar de functie van een - alternatieve - Paradiso. Meer dan 650 arrestaties. Een brief uit het huis circuleert, van 'Malene'. De toon, de woorden zijn vanouds bekend, je kunt ze meehummen, maar als je de versleten argumenten weglaat ruik je de verbetenheid, voel je de kou en hoor je de poëzie:

'The streets no longer look like a Nepalese funeral. Copenhagen has seen herself exploded. Despite the chill of cold march winther days hundreds of people are outside, acting on it - doing it.''It is a beautifull feeling. An awakening. WE are arainforest of subcultures. WE grow wild.''OUR house. Here, WE build a playground for art and politics together. Heart to heart, creating space for the Other. Giving and taking. Sharing time and magical moments. Experiences. This is a way of LIFE.''Our house is a way of humans to be together lifting each other. This is now ripped apart. I feel it to the very bone of my body.'Last night, when the moon was black, I heard a nightingale on the rooftop of my apartment. It was singing about peace. I listened to it in silence and saved the melodies in my heart to bring every human I meet on my way in life.''OUR house is dead. The newspapers have it's obituary on their frontpages these days. But the enormous network and power of US is here, PRESENT.'With love, Malene'